Sunday, November 1, 2009

Checking in!

Hey all! Just thought I'd say that things here are fine here and looking up. I've been busier than ever just getting in touch with everyone I know. I'm hoping to be in round 2 of interviews for a fantastic opportunity that could change my life :)

I'm not going to go into to much more detail. The people I thought were my friends at my last job have gone through everything, deleted most everything of mine including wedding pictures, hacked into my Facebook, you name it. I don't trust much that I put out there right now so I'm going to start a new blog soon I swear. I'll let you all know when that happens. In the meantime, send prayers, good vibes etc. that I make it round 2 (of FIVE!) for this job.


  1. I'm pulling for you, Tina, and am praying for the best.

    When I lost my job years ago, I really got to know who my true friends were. Silver linings.

    Take care and stay in touch when you can.

  2. Hope it works out!!!! A new door is going to open for you!!

  3. I'm confident that this is going to wind up being a better opportunity for you in the long run. Still, it's a shame about your "friends" at your old place. Class always tells, doesn't it?

    Here's to new opportunities!

  4. My gosh, I can't believe what your old "friends" have done...really makes you wonder about people.

    Sending you the best of luck for your new opportunity - I really hope you get it!

  5. Wow!! Interviewing already!!! Sending you all the prayers you can handle!!! :)

  6. Prayers, hugs and positive energy to you. When one door closes...this will ultimately be a blessing for you to be out of that toxic place. Very best of luck with interviewing.

  7. Thats horrible...I am so glad that you're doing okay though.

    When I lost my last job, I completely thought a lot more people would be there for me than were...oh well. I learned who my real friends are real fast.

    Please let us know what's going on!

  8. What horrible people. I hope they get theirs.

    I am pulling for you.

  9. Wow, sounds like you are dealing with some really ugly circumstances right now. I'm so sorry to hear that!

    Saying a prayer that the very best opportunity will open for you. You have SO MUCH talent - now you just need to find a place that will be the right environment for you to thrive!

  10. Funny how life is, sounds like you are headed in a good direction.

    Keep us posted.

  11. I'm sorry, Tina - I'm pulling and praying for you!

  12. Ouch. I never understood why people were like that. Just know that you leading a good life will make up for it, because those doing bad will get "theirs" in the end. Lead by example. Good things will come.

  13. I'm rooting for you girlie! We must get together soon. We talked about a fall walk at Stone Mountain Park so let's get it on while the weather cooperates!

  14. Hey Tina - miss you...hope you are doing ok!
