Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Checking in!

It's time for me to check in on my blog buddies again.

Things never slow down over here and now I've taken on a part-time job to add some more crazy to the mix. I'm just helping out at a friends agency for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. JUST when I was getting into my routine of going to the gym in the morning! Now it's even harder to fit it in but somehow doing this couch to 5k thing has changed my attitude and I find myself making it a priority. That is a really REALLY big step for me.

Still running along and I've managed to make it through week 3 of Couch to 5k. I'm "holding myself back a grade" as I call it and doing week 3 twice. I just wasn't sure I'd "graduated" from week 3 yet :) Since I'm only doing this for myself, I don't feel bad about taking it at my own pace. All I know is that eventually I want to be like the girl next to me on the treadmill today - she was almost 2 miles in and hadn't broken a sweat. I was gasping for breath and dripping sweat on to the belt!

The weight is coming off SOO slowly but things are taking shape. My legs look so much better and I swear my ass has lifted about 3 inches. My current jeans make me feel like I'm wearing a diaper they are so baggy but I'm holding out as long as I can before I buy new ones.

More than anything, I'm happy with my attitude toward my fitness goals and even my attitude toward food. I just managed to go through a weekend without gaining any weight which may have only happened once or twice in my life. I've been trying to eat just a little bit when I feel hungry and never let myself get to the ravenous "screw it all lets go get mexican food and margaritas" point. I've also been trying to satisfy my cravings with my own light versions of things. For some reason I was desperate for banana pudding and found out Jello makes a fudge banana 45 calorie variety. It was delicious and totally satisfied that beast. Then I wanted a hot dog from the Varsity. If you have ever been there you know how good they are. Instead I got some 97% fat free Hebrew Nationals and light whole wheat buns. Totally hit the spot. It can be done and I can stay satisfied without blowing it. Why is it that this seems all new to me???? I've done this before and I know what works but sometimes it's like learning it all over again.

Hope everyone out there is great. Spring is such a wonderful time of year. I wish it would last forever!!


  1. So glad to hear you are doing so well, Tina! Keep up the awesome job, and don't work too hard. :)

  2. No problem with holding yourself "back a grade" on the C25K program. Going at your own pace is the only way to go. Keep it up!

  3. Hi Tina, nice to see you!

    The whole point of the C25K is to do it at your pace! No pressure. Glad to see such positivity radiating out of your blog :-)

  4. I am looking for blogs to inspire me as I have double of what you have to lose. I just entered treatment for my eating disorder. Scary for sure. But I think I can do it. My life depends on it. I'd like to come back and read.

  5. Wow Tina, I am so proud of you! Way to go on the C25K - you are doing great! And hey - I sweat like a fiend when I run, so you have company, lol!

  6. You are down 13 pounds and doing great. Great news on the C25K! And a week 3 re-do sounds like a great plan. Take it at your own pace! I started doing C25k when I weighed 240 and it was definitely a challenge for me and my joints and my insides and outsides. It took me some time to get used to it, for sure. You are doing great!

  7. I am doing a modified C25K thing right now too. You have to build yourself up to your fitness level. As long as you are listening to your body but also not being a weenie, you should be fine. Sounds like you are rockin' it!


  8. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well! GREAT JOB with your C25K training and AMEN to taking it at your own pace. You have no one to impress but yourself, and you are doing it!

  9. Glad things are looking up for you. Your race, your pace. You're doing it, and that's what really matters.

  10. Holy crap Varsity hotdogs!!! lol Thanks a lot of kicking in a craving for me, lol. Totally kidding. I've had those Hebrew nationals on wheat buns too....not bad at all!!!! Good for you for finding healthier replacements to kill the cravings...and FANTASTIC job on the C25K....I'm so jealous of all the bloggers out there doing that....I tried, but my knees just can't handle it right now. I am soooo hoping when I drop another 40-50 I'll be able to jog w/o the constant pain and popping in my knees. Very proud of you girl!!! And congrats on the part-time job....but more importantly, for keeping the gym a priority! :)

  11. Glad to hear you're doing well - and congratulations on making it through week 3!! That's awesome!

  12. Keep up the good work! Couch25K took me much longer to get through than the 10 weeks they recommend. Keep going at your own pace and you'll get there! I did. So worth it!

  13. You go, girl! I'm starting week 2 this week!

  14. being happy with your goals and attitude toward food is a HUGE accomplishment. it lightens your mind, which is just as important as lightening up physically. congratulations on that and more!

  15. Yay! So glad to hear you are doing well. Keep it up!

  16. Keep at it! losing weight has so much to do with "what not to eat"
    i found out. When I started following a strict eating plan, it
    made the exercise part really have an effect on my body tone.
    Here's an article that you might find helpful,
    lose body fat
    , basic stuff but it works...
