Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mind over matter

I don't remember which one of my fabulous blog friends commented when I lost my job about how this was going to be a huge turning point for me in terms of finally taking care of myself. Whoever it was, you were right.

It's really weird how suddenly different my mind works. Maybe it's because I'm not being beaten down by a miserable man every day and feel like I'm worth it. It may be one of those situations where you never realized how bad it was until you're on the other side of it.

This all started yesterday which was my first day of week 4 of couch to 5k. I had repeated week 3 and was feeling pretty confident about moving on up until about halfway through my run. I just couldn't do it. I did the 3 minute followed by the 5 minute (a mere 90 second recovery) and then I just couldn't go on. I'm no quitter but it was just a bad day. It happens. Last night as we were going to bed I told my husband I was taking today off. All he said was "don't let this beat you" and that was all I needed. (yes I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I have a cute, sweet, super supportive Scottish husband...I highly recommend them!)

Today I was up at the crack of dawn and damned if I didn't show week 4 who's boss. It took EVERYTHING I had. I literally had to wring out my ponytail and my clothes were so soaked I couldn't even bring myself to throw them on the bedroom carpet. Straight to the basement :) I even have my first case of runners nipple. Almost as painful as dental surgery. Time to invest in some new bras and some Body Glide (I've only ever used it for blisters but folks say it does wonders for the nipples!)

I've definitely raised the bar. There's no going back now. I have set goals, met goals, and moved on to new goals. I remember this mindset from my past. It's exactly as it was when I lost 100 pounds 10 years ago. It's so nice to meet the real me again.


  1. If it was something really smart and you don't remember who said it, let's just assume it was me, okay?

    Keep being awesome, Tina.

  2. Sorry Jack, but it was ME.

    You're doing so well and it's just great to see your happiness and satisfaction shinging through!

  3. Woo-hoo! Way to show the C25K who's boss. THAT'S how you get it done, girl. Congrats & keep it up! Oh, and if you're a busty woman, try the Enell bra - it's a beast and it's not pretty, but it really, REALLY works!

  4. Good for you for kicking week 4's ass today!!! And I love the way you didn't beat yourself yesterday when the body said "uh uh - not today". I don't have a Scottish husband (mine's Norwegian - also highly recommended) but I grew up next to Scottish neighbors fresh off the boat and they were wonderful!

  5. You motivate me! :) So glad you are out of that horrible work situation!

  6. am I the only one who doesnt know what "runners nipple" is?

  7. You didn't give up and I'm so proud of you! Great job.

    I know that great feeling that comes when you conquer something hard!

  8. LOVE IT!!! You are awesome, Tina - runner's nipples (giggle) and all!!!

    Oh, and I second Seattle Runner Girl's recommendation for the Enell - and yes, get you some Body Glide ASAP. It works!

  9. Do you ever feel like you just can't seem to "propel" forward when you run? I have felt that I'm literally moving up and down and can't move forward like I want. Please tell me it gets better now that you're in your 4th week and I'm only in my 2nd...

  10. Tina, I'm just so damn proud of you girl. I smiled ear to ear when you said the real you was back...I know how much you've missed her. GREAT JOB on the running, and pushing yourself. I love it when I bust my ass in the gym and have to wring out my hair....such a fantastic feeling! :)

  11. I am so frickin proud of you. You can do this. We can do it. We can all do it together. I mean that and am not blowing smoke. You inspire me.

  12. Great job! Keep it up!

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  14. Rock on girlfriend!!! So glad to see you in this frame of mind. :)

    Hey - I'm trying to make a decision about bedroom decor today. Options are posted on my blog. If you have a minute please vote!

  15. Keep up the great work!!! Just found your blog. Looking forward to seeing your SUCCESS!!!!

  16. Just checking on you girl....hope you're doing ok...try to give us a shout as soon as you can! :)

  17. Where are you????

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