Monday, October 20, 2008


I thought I would be feeling a million times better by now. I hardly did anything this weekend and I'm still hurting quite a bit. I guess I'm just being impatient but there's so much I need to get done before I leave on Friday.

It's cold here this morning and I haven't had the energy to get out my winter clothes so I'm wearing capris, flip flops and a big fleece jacket. I look and feel like a mess. I can't even think about wearing shoes yet.

I tried to do some shopping on Sunday morning and just wasn't in to it at all. I need some new jewelry and a new purse for the party on Saturday night but I might have to make do with what I have since getting around is still a problem. At this point I almost don't care what I look like.

Obviously I haven't been exercising and have been indulging in all kinds of things I shouldn't have but my pain meds made me ill and nothing would make me feel better but white bread and ginger ale. I'm frustrated that I was doing so well and now I can't do anything at all. I'm hoping that if I feel okay Wednesday night I'll go to the therapy pool and do some exercises during my normal water aerobics time.

Enough whining now back to work : )


  1. Hey! Thank you for stopping by lately and leaving such nice comments :)
    I hope you feel better, don't look at this as a setback you're doing great!

  2. Awwwww, sounds like you need a hug. Sending healing thoughts your way.
