Wednesday, June 29, 2011

falling on the double edge sword

Thanks for all the well wishes on the injury front!

I decided I would compromise and work out every other day this week which didn't start out to be such a great idea! After Monday's training session I was in so much pain I had to go to bed early even though she took great care in modifying things for my right arm. I was worried but woke up Tuesday feeling better than I had in weeks! I didn't go to yoga Tuesday but was back at my trainers core class early this morning - again feeling good! Even the cut is healing up quickly.

My husband called this afternoon to ask how I was and I said "I'm great! I'm busy but inspired." That's when it really hit me just how much I need my exercise routine for way more than weight management. It affects everything I do, every day. Energy, creativity, memory, focus, stress level - you name it...yet sometimes it's the hardest thing in the world to do. Especially when there's pain involved.

I guess sometimes we really do need to stop and take a step back to get a new perspective. Somehow things become easier for me on this journey when it becomes less about the weight loss and more about my well being. Now that's something to ponder! :)


  1. Your last sentence gave me chills. Something to think about, indeed. :)

  2. Oh I agree! That last sentence was awesome. I need to apply that to my own life!

  3. Hi Tina,

    My name is Jennifer. I chanced upon your blog last week when I was looking for sites about weight loss and fitness. My husband and I were truly impressed with all your hard work as well as your creativity in making sure that you keep moving, keep being fit and keep losing weight one pound at a time. I know you’ve been injured and I hope you’re now well. It’s really a process and not something we can just do overtime. And sometimes, we backslide but that’s okay. One has to have the right amount of passion and determination to do what you keep doing. Kudos to you, Tina! At the end of the day, it's really more about your well-being than the number on your weighing scale that matters. So just keep at it!

    Lately also, I have been trying out some unique workout techniques. There’s a new blog I help maintain and it’s called Sandbag Training ( I hope you can check it out and see if it’s something you’d be interested in trying. It’s still a new site so I’m also looking for possible link exchanges from blogs like yours that I find very insightful and interesting. Let me know what you think. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards,

  4. That last sentence is the jackpot (and the answer)!

  5. I love your blog. You're doing a great job!

  6. Great post! Exercise and working out does a lot more than just help you lose weight and that is so true. It keeps you focused, energized and helps with sleep. Hope the cut gets better.

    Waist Hips & Thighs
