Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday mixtape is BACK

Hooray for still feeling inspired! I worked out ALL through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend and because of that, I ate what I wanted and still lost 4 lbs.


I haven't been pushing myself hard enough and have gotten too comfortable with my workouts. I think my trainer was feeling that too so she kicked it up a notch which is what made me remember what it felt like to be really sore - like serious weight loss sore. I need to live in that place for me to lose weight.


For the first time in 2 years since I left the security of a full-time job, I feel like everything in place. I've found that work as a freelancer is plentiful as long as I work really hard. Now it's time to apply that to the fat fight.


I restarted the couch to 5k and it's going well. Slow but well. I have the app on my ipad now which is nice so I don't have to watch the clock. If I had the iPhone it would be a LOT more convenient ~shakes fist at T-mobile~


This is getting long so I will end with this...Does anyone else desire a pair of $98 Lulu Lemon workout pants as much as I do? New goal said aloud to trainer this morning - When I get to the magical Onederland I will buy myself some. 37 pounds to that goal. I'm ready!


  1. I just got a pair of Lucy leggings (similar, I'm sure, to the Lululemon) and wow are they comfortable. Like, worlds apart from my Nike capris, and those are (well, I thought) comfortable. So I say make the Lulu's a goal - bet they will be worth it!

  2. Yay for loosing weight through Thanksgiving! It's great to see other people living these realities of healthful interactions with food and enjoying life. Keep up the motivation and inspiration!
