Tuesday, August 31, 2010

end of challenge weigh in

236 this morning which is no loss in the last 2 weeks but that's 10 total for the challenge. I'm pretty pleased with that! Also, my BMI is down 3%. I haven't seen that move in quite a while!

Right now I'm sick as a dog with a cold I caught at a kids birthday party and just came back from a trip to the doc with a chest x-ray and 3 kinds of meds. I'm not dying so that's good - even though it feels like it!

While I was there I was venting my frustrations about not being able to get below 235 and she decided to check my thyroid (again!) and this time check for insulin resistance. We'll see what happens with that! I've had thyroid symptoms since I was a teenager but it's always come back normal or borderline. I also know that there are different tests that can be done so I'm going to push for that if this latest round doesn't turn anything up.

I haven't had any exercise since Saturday and I strangely miss it. The doc told to wait until I can breathe again so hopefully by Thursday I'll be back at it because I've been making some good progress. I even managed to up my weights a bit in the Body Pump class and do all the squats. I know I will feel even more victorious when I can make it through the 4 minutes of lunges! oy....

I hope everyone is having a great week so far. I'm off for some more couch time while it lasts!! :)


  1. 10 pounds is great!

    That's great that you keep tabs on your thyroid. I had low thyroid for a while before I actually got diagnosed, and it helped me to gain a lot of weight!

    Hope you feel better soon!

    PS. Thank you for your comment! I posted my recipe on Smart Balance.com. If and when you try it, I'd appreciate a vote! Thanks!


  2. More exciting than a 10 pound loss is that you're missing your usual workout! I had some surgery and was afraid I would fall into my old habits. I stopped worrying after I started dreaming of running! That means you're making changes that are going to stick long term. :D Hope you get better soon!

  3. Sorry you've been sick - but I'm glad you are taking it easy for another few days. Rest up and then you will come back stronger than ever. :)

    Major props to you for losing 10 pounds - that is an awesome achievement!!!

  4. 10 pounds is nothing to sneeze at! Completely bad ass! Farmer's Market and workout soon! It's feeling good outside.

  5. 10lbs is awesome, you should be totally happy about that - and missing your workout AND being able to up the weights is even better!

  6. Love your blog. So inspirational! =)

  7. Girl....10 lbs in a month is FANTASTIC work!! Your efforts really paid off. I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick. All you can do right now is rest up and heal. You'll be back at the exercise in no time. :)

  8. 10 lbs is great! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  9. Wow! Awesome! Terrific!!! Not sure what other positive words I can use to describe your super success in the challenge! You rock...10 lbs. is awesome (and is definitely a great consolation prize!!!).

    I hope that you are feeling way better soon!

  10. You're doing great! I found your blog today & look forward to reading more.
