Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Up and at it!

I managed to get out of bed at 6am and walked the dogs with my husband! It was nice to be out as the sun was rising and it was extra nice not to feel like a fat, lazy pig who stays in bed while her husband is out enjoying the morning. The plan is to do the walk for 20 minutes for the rest of the week and then up to 30 minutes the following week. My ultimate goal is to run in the morning. We'll get there. Now that I have a garden to tend to, I need some extra time and I enjoy being out there after work which leaves only mornings for exercise. I waste so much time getting more sleep than I need. I'm sure I've written this same post a million times but I've just never been a morning person. I know I can make it a habit if I just stick to it for more than a few days.

I've been noticing this girl on my drive home from work. I take back roads that are extremely hilly and I have seen her huffing and puffing her way along for the last few weeks. She can't be more than 16 and the poor thing probably feels like the fattest girl in her private school. She's not fat by my standards but at that age, 20 pounds can ruin years of your life. I secretly wish her the best every time I see her. I hope that she can win this battle now and create healthy habits so she never has to worry about it at my age. Bless her heart as we say :)

Time for some yogurt! Have a good day everyone!


  1. Good for you! Early morning walks are really nice. The air just seems cleaner. At least in Southern Cal it does. I hear you about the young girl huffin' and puffin'. I admire her. That is the hardest age to be even five pounds heavier.

  2. Good for you! Man, wish we lived closer so that we could be exercise buddies. I could use the accountability!

  3. Bless your heart for blessing her heart! :-) And I really should get out and do a walk, but keep finding excuses not to...good for you for just doing it!!

  4. You have such heart wishing that dear girl well. Compassion and kindness are so underrated. So much can be accomplished with a wealth of both.

  5. Go you! I wish I could get up earlier to make the most of the lovely morning - I think I will one day....

    Great to hear about that teen - she will have a healthy life if she is starting now - hope you give her a wave!

  6. Doesn't it feel so great to get going in the morning? Why, when we know it feels so good to get up and exercise do we still fight it every morning?...it's my battle every single morning:)

  7. Good for you for getting out there so early. I love the stillness of a new day, but am too lazy to get out to enjoy it most days.

  8. I really admire "crack 'o dawn" walkers, runners, anything-ers. I am always up early, but I'm a slow starter. But like Larry the Cable Guy, I eventually "Get 'er done." I would feel sorry for that young lady too. I'm always so sad when I see a young person that is struggling with weight issues. That time of their lives hold such cruelness from others, that you just know it's not easy for them.

  9. Hi Tina! Saw your comment on MizFit this morning (5/5/09, "Can a 248 pound person go from walking to running in 8 weeks?") and had to comment: I believe you CAN do it! (I did something similar myself, and it feels great to be running again. And I wasn't a morning person by nature, but it was the only time I could guarantee to get a workout in. Love it now.)

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